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Become a Member
You can verify membership by checking your pay stub on your August - May paystubs for the EGEA dues deduction. To become a member, click HERE for information and the membership form.
EGEA Office Hours
The EGEA Office is open 12:30-5pm M-F. You can also contact our staff via district or EGEA email.
Announcements & Updates
EGUSD Employee Recognitions by EGEA Members (log in to EGUSD account to access)
Life Events To-Do List
Elementary Overload Payment Timeline 2024-2025
Student CTA Membership Form (Return to EGEA Office or ask your site rep)
CalTRA Mini Grants - get FREE money for your classroom
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Information
Grievance Form
Click HERE to become a member of EGEA/CTA/NEA
Why should I be a member of a union?
There are many benefits to being a member of EGEA, CTA, and NEA. Click HERE to access a list of many of these benefits.
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