The Elk Grove Education Association (EGEA) represents the approximately 3,000 K-12 teachers, nurses, counselors, librarians, and speech and language therapists working in the Elk Grove Unified School District. EGEA is a local chapter of the California Teachers Association and the National Education Association.
EGEA Leaders
Lead Director-Secondary: Scott Scidmohr (scott@elkgroveeducators.org)
Lead Director-Secondary: Vicki Trimingham (vicki@elkgroveeducators.org)
Lead Director-Elementary: Maggie Ellis (maggie@elkgroveeducators.org)
Associate Director: Maria Jackson (maria@elkgroveeducators.org)
Associate Director: Emily Lints (emily@elkgroveeducators.org)
Associate Director: Troy Morgan (troy@elkgroveeducators.org)
Associate Director: JD Watson (jd@elkgroveeducators.org)
Associate Director-Special Education: Vanessa Mediano (vanessa@elkgroveeducators.org)
Equity Liaison: Delisa Foster (delisa@elkgroveeducators.org)
Exec Board
President: James Sutter (james@elkgroveeducators.org)
Vice President: Alison Bliss (vp@elkgroveeducators.org)
Secretary - Treasurer: Neal Oliver (treasurer@elkgroveeducators.org)
PreK, TK, K Rep: Maria Crisologo-Lum (prektkk@elkgroveeducators.org)
1-3 Rep: Jeremy Roberts (1-3rep@elkgroveeducators.org)
4-6 Rep: Michael Juba (4-6rep@elkgroveeducators.org)
7-8 Rep: Lawrence Carter (7-8rep@elkgroveeducators.org)
9-12 Rep: Nicholas Crabtree (9-12rep@elkgroveeducators.org)
At-Large Rep: Vicki Trimingham (atlargerep@elkgroveeducators.org)
Racial Equity At large Director: Cheena "Christina" Moslen (cheena@elkgroveeducators.org)
Special Education Rep: Michelle Archibald (spedrep@elkgroveeducators.org)
CTA State Council Reps
Seat 1: Vanessa Mediano (Term 1: 2024-2027)
Seat 2: James Sutter (Term 3: 2024-2027)
Seat 3: Matthew Mason (Term 2: 2022-2025)
Seat 4: Kenneth Sutton (Term 1: 2022-2025)
Seat 5: Christina "Cheena" Moslen (Term 1: 2022-2025)
Seat 6: Alexandra Condon (Term 1: 2023-2026)
Seat 7: Miska Pearson (Term 3: 2022-2025)
Alternate: Tami Nelson (Term 1: 2022-2025)
Alternate: Dawn Phillips (Term 1: 2023-2026)
Tammy McFawn (tmcfawn@egusd.net)
Political Action Committee (PAC)
Co-chair: Dyonna Bloxson (pacchair@elkgroveeducators.org)
Co-chair: Anthony Sanchez (pac@elkgroveeducators.org)
Bargaining Team
Chair: Scott Scidmohr - Elk Grove High School
Alison Bliss - Harris Middle School
Dyonna Bloxson - Kirchgater Elementary School
Alexandra Condon - English Learner Services
Maggie Ellis - Carroll Elementary
Vanessa Mediano - Kerr Middle School
Troy Morgan - Monterey Trail High School
Vicki Trimingham - FACE Office
JD Watson - Sims Elementary