Frequently Asked Questions
Please email if you cannot find the answer to your question. You can also call our office with questions 916-685-4588.

What is the process for getting paid for jury duty if I postponed it to my off-contract time?
You will need to provide documentation of the postponement, proof of your service, and submit a timesheet. Click HERE for details.
How can I change my name, address, school site, or email address with CTA, EGEA, and/or The Standard Disability Company?
Email Emily Lints @Sheldon or or call the EGEA Office.
What is the deadline for...
...requesting a leave of absence or a shared contract for next year?
You must complete the form and submit it to Human Resource by February 1st of the year prior to your planned leave of absence. Click HERE to find the Leave of Absence form.
...notifying the district of a reduced workload?
Employees wishing to work a reduced contract must notify the district by May 15th of the year prior to the year they wish to reduce their workload. Click HERE for more information on STRS Reduced Workload.
...notifying the district of my retirement?
There is no official date that you must notify the district of your retirement. However, employees may wish to get the process started with STRS and EGBERT to ensure salary and benefits are set up to be collected as soon as they are retired. Typically, at least three months is advisable. The district and site administrators appreciate notification early so they may hire for the position, but this is not required.
How much are my union dues for tax purposes?
Visit the About Us page and scroll down to access the dues schedule. Tax laws have changed and your union dues are not tax deductible on your federal taxes, but MAY be on your state taxes. Check with your tax preparer for more information. If you have a question or need a calculation for working a partial year, please call the EGEA Office.
When I return from a leave of absence, what do I need to do?
Be sure to call or visit the EGEA Office to submit paperwork for membership and to re-enroll in disability insurance. You have 120 days after returning to work to complete the disability insurance paperwork.
I am considering retirement in the near future. How can I get an appointment with or access information about STRS and EGBERT?
Unit members wishing to explore their retirement options can call CalSTRS at 1-800-228-5453 to book an appointment. You can also visit their website at to get more information.
The EGBERT Office is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 9-3. You can call them to request information or an appointment at 916-684-7120. You can also visit their website at
How can I access legal help? What kind of things can I get help with?
EGEA Members can access legal assistance for a variety of reasons. Click HERE for information about legal services for both employment and non-employment matters. If you would like a referral to a CTA Group Legal Services attorney, contact the EGEA Office.
What is the timeline for certificated evaluations?
There are evaluation deadlines throughout the year, click HERE to view the timeline. Be aware that deadlines are subject to change.
What are the lactation accommodations for breastfeeding mothers in the workplace?
Click HERE to read about the EGUSD Board Policy on Lactation Accommodations based on California state laws.
How can I opt out of political contributions with CTA and EGEA?
CTA will not reimburse you for the political contributions portions of your dues. However, upon request, you can have that portion of your dues redirected to the general fund so your money will not go toward the political causes that CTA endorses.
EGEA will refund the $20 annually upon request. Members must come to the EGEA office to complete the form, ID will be checked since a check will be issued. Checks are generated at the end of the fiscal year, usually in July each year. EGEA PAC dues are only used for local measures or school board races. Click HERE to learn more about the EGEA PAC.
Email Emily Lints ( for assistance to opt out of either CTA, EGEA, or both.